Polygamous Legacy

I decided to to a polygamous legacy.

NOTE: I am not a polygamous, but I am not anti polygamy. This is a legacy that I am playing with the mindset of polygamy working, and being a loving family dynamic.

Table of Contents at the bottom!

This took some thought to set up. I honestly was not sure I could make this work at first. After a computer mishap I had to start over. I had the family saved, and using the same starting family, but now they are human.

Here are the basics:

  • Each generation will have at least two wives. (Twins is my goal)
  • I am not using cheats (with minor exceptions) 
  • Wives work from home
  • Kids are homeschooled 
  • Once kids move out, I try to keep up to date with their families. 
  • I am keeping as detailed of a family tree!
Mods I am using are all from NRaas https://www.nraas.net/community/Mods-List
  • Anti Magic Scroll (One of my favorites I always use this one, because who does not keep a recipe they like?)
  • Careers Base mode
  • Careers Homemaker 
  • Careers Self Employed (another favorite of mine)
  • Master Controller
  • Master Controller Progression
  • Story Progression
One thing I have learned attempting to do legacies is that townies do not seem to breed unless I use the story progression mods. 

Since you can not have more than wife even with any mod I have found I decided not to use any of the romance mods and just had all of them have the No Jealousy reward.

How I did the Polygamous relationships:

For the first Generation I made all 3 at once and started the game with the two wives as sisters, and the husband not married to them. I worked to build the romantic relationship with one, and marry her right away. Then I had him work on a friendly friendship with the other while he was married to the first wife.

After the first wife was pregnant I had him break off the marriage. I then used the testingcheatsenabled true cheat and removed all negative moodlets and then had him use friendly actions until the relationship bar was high again. I then had him switch from a friendly relationship with the second wife to a romantic one and have them get married. I also have both wives get the no jealousy reward as soon as they are able/

Just like real life he has to work hard to keep each wife happy. I also have the sister wives hangout and have a good sister relationship too. I did the wives as sisters so she would have a biological relationship to each kid. (As mother or Aunt.)

After the kids are born, both wives help each other out. If one is too tired to get out of bed to feed the baby the dad or sister wife will help out.

To keep the lifestyle secret, kids are all home schooled, no maid, no handy men, no baby sitters. They have to work together to keep the large house working.

Household size issues

So I know there are mods for bigger households. Honestly I kept forgetting to add those, so we have kept to the 8 to the house at a time. This has caused issues for sure. Even more, because each wife lifetime goal is to raise 5 kids to teens. The house pretty much keeps 8 sims at all times. At one point an adult son and his wife was living in the home until I could afford to buy them a house.

In the first attempt I did age people up with a cake because I made fairies. Since they are human this time I just have normal lifespan set. This time around I may use a mode for a bigger family, but not sure at this time. There is an added challenge for each wife to have 5 kids with only 8 slots at home.

 Life after the big house:

Thanks to my story progression mods I am able to keep up with what the kids do when then move out. If one of the kids get married or ends up with more kids than beds, I edit the town and just have them move households. I also added a bunch of extra homes to empty lots. With the mods, townies will move around if there are empty homes. Then using the buy on this lot cheat, I will buy things for the adult children. Things like better or more beds, better stoves, toys, etc.

If you choose to try this keep in mind that using the buy on this lot cheat, it subtracts from your active household funds. I see this as the parents are helping their kids and grand kids. I imagination that when they talk on the phone the kids complain about the bed, or refrigerator and moms and dad decided to help them out. Each parent does try to keep up relationships with adult kids and grand kids by calling, parties, and visiting.

Life in the big house:

For Generation 1 (my current one), the moms do a lot. Both are natural cooks and neat and they share the housework. They are both homemakers (see mod list) and get a stipend for taking care of the family. They both also like to paint and sell art. The dad is a farmer, helps with the kids, and they live near a lake so he also spends a lot of time fishing. This is how they get a large part of their income.

Since starting over, I am rebuilding the house. Right now it is only one floor. As the family (and income) grows, they will build a second floor, and there will be a school house for the kids.

I look forward to expanding their homestead again. I was very happy with the first attempt house, so I am basically building the same thing, a little at  a time.

Table of Contents:

Family tree
Starting the Story
Introducing the Baums (First Generation)

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